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Dolores Cannon QHHT

Sessions are confidential and facilitated only in person and in a private and safe environment and always supported with understanding, compassion and open heart.


Sessions length lasts from about 3 to 4 or more hours and involves interview/counseling, hypnosis, and post-hypnosis discussion.


Usually, there is only one session needed and the client is asked

to prepare the list of the questions and it can be about anything from health, relationships, work, career, or even life purpose and all those concerns can be covered during one single session. 


Sessions are recorded mainly the hypnosis part and the client receives the recording after the session and is asked to listen to it even a few times for better integration, healing, and understanding. Please never listen to the recording while driving!


Qhht practitioner only facilitates the process for the client so the answers to the client questions and the healing comes through the client's own knowledge and subconscious/higher self.





It is important to watch the video below before you book a session





                              SESSION COST
                                      300 aud

Prior to the session Beata offers phone consultation free of charge


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