Quantum Healing Therapy
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique is a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional and performance issues.
In essence, EFT is a form of "psychological acupuncture without needles" in which tapping certain body points the physical or psychological symptoms are relieved.
This technique evolved from Thought Field Therapy which was created by US clinical psychologist Roger Callahan, who discovered that stimulating acupressure/energy points leads to a psychological release in anxious clients.
Later his student Gary Craig identified a comprehensive set off all-purpose energy points which can be applied to treat any emotional problem and named this technique EFT
and achieved excellent results in treating a variety of emotional and physical problems.
Gary Craig's famous The Discovery Statements is that:
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system"
This includes fears, phobias, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, worry, guilt, traumatic memories, and PTSD.
EFT often provides impressive physical relief by resolving underlying energetic or emotional contributors
EFT Session
The most important steps in the process of EFT in brief include:
Identifying the Issue
That means focusing on the issue which will be the target of the tapping process.
We focus only on one issue at a time.
Testing Initial Intensity
Establishing the level of the issue's intensity by assigning a number to it on the scale from 0 - 10, where 10 is the strongest and 0 is no problem at all. We apply intensity test again after tapping to check the progress of tapping.
We can address many issues during a single EFT session.
The setup
We prepare the phrase/affirmation which will be used during the tapping process.
"Even though I have ______I deeply and completely accept myself"
the blank above represents the problem of whether emotional or physical.
The Sequence
This is the tapping part of EFT and we always use certain points on the body
that stimulate and balance the body's energy pathways/meridians while saying continuously mentioned above phrase.
The final testing
During which we establishing the level of the issue intensity to check the progress
of EFT. If there is some more work to be done we repeat or add more procedures if needed.
After learning EFT during a session client is asked to continue practice at home and try this technique on other problems if they arose.
EFT Sessions are supported with Counselling skills and elements of Hypnosis
EFT is a very potent and effective technique on its own, although it works very
well, also when combined with Reiki Energy Healing.